Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash
Running great Jeff Galloway said something that has stuck with me both as a runner and as someone uncovering his Ikigai.
"Before I began running the idea that I'd ever go a mile seemed impossible. And of course, it was…Until I ran a mile."
This month marks the 12th anniversary of my running rebirth.
All those years ago it seemed impossible that I'd be running again much less grueling trail half marathons and marathons...until I did.
Or at least until I began to imagine it and train for it. That's the key in Galloway's statement. It seems impossible and it is until you do something about it and then do it.
Using his technique, I literally ran for 1 minute and walked for 4, and repeated it. That was the beginning. At that point, as he said, hard to imagine I could run a mile.
Our ikigai search can be like that at the start. One minute of running, four minutes of walking. Slow and steady…
🌱 Uncovering and becoming
Keep going while imaging it to be a lot more.
🌀 Reflection:
Running can be a powerful metaphor for other things in your life.
What seems impossible (like running was for me) that you want to do?
What could you do today that could start you on the path to your 'mile'?
Living abroad, more than time abroad being a vacation.
Take a step toward greater autonomy by not thinking about “what if?”