Photo by Maros Misove on Unsplash
Last week I shared about my late uncle and his renown for being a people watcher.
Growth, learning, and connection all come from the ability to observe the world in which we live in a deeper way.
To practice observing you were given a couple of potential things to watch for in your week.
Handicapped parking signs hanging from mirrors.
Lefthanded people.
🌀 How’d it go?
Did you notice more signs or lefthanders after focusing on finding them?
What did your experience show you about conscious observation?
It would be great to hear about your experience.
You get what you focus on, so focus on what you want.
Whenever we put our attention and focus on finding something, we will see more of that thing appearing in front of us.
The art of observation is a fine skill to master, specially when it comes to observing human beings, their behaviours, facial expressions etc. At the same time, it is important not to get so lost in details, that we lost sight of the bigger picture..
Thanks for this important reminder David!