Excellent observation and relatable to the sculpture in facets of true importance and what happens when we do not focus on them! If we think of ourselves to be in the image and likeness of our Creator why would we tend to focus on our physical selves when our spiritual connection with the Divine is the most important element to ones growth and fulfillment? Glad you are better David and know that you have been blessed....yes blessed to slow down a bit and have a chance to see more clearly of whence I am speaking. If we do not place God (The Triune One of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) within and over the center where there currently resides Ikigai we are limited to growth in the most excellent way. We then start the climb to the highest peak on earth to seemingly only reach the mid way point of the mountain top! We are built for greatness not just on a path but on The Path to IHS. Praying for you and others and most grateful for your insights and wisdom! Semper ad maiora! Always to greater things! Pax, Lux et Amor! Veritas IHS
Excellent observation and relatable to the sculpture in facets of true importance and what happens when we do not focus on them! If we think of ourselves to be in the image and likeness of our Creator why would we tend to focus on our physical selves when our spiritual connection with the Divine is the most important element to ones growth and fulfillment? Glad you are better David and know that you have been blessed....yes blessed to slow down a bit and have a chance to see more clearly of whence I am speaking. If we do not place God (The Triune One of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) within and over the center where there currently resides Ikigai we are limited to growth in the most excellent way. We then start the climb to the highest peak on earth to seemingly only reach the mid way point of the mountain top! We are built for greatness not just on a path but on The Path to IHS. Praying for you and others and most grateful for your insights and wisdom! Semper ad maiora! Always to greater things! Pax, Lux et Amor! Veritas IHS
Semper ad maiora! Always to greater things!...love that!