Photo by Lukas Tennie on Unsplash
“Everyone shines, given the right lighting.”
Susan Cain
Reading Susan Cain’s book ‘Quiet’ was life-changing for me.
In her book, she celebrates the power and value of introverts. The takeaway for me was to realize many of the behaviors I had been criticized for in school and my career were actually quite normal.
They were also positive when applied correctly.
That’s not my thing.
As one example being quiet in business meetings and listening allowed me to create impactful solutions.
In business, especially in executive leadership, you are expected to ‘contribute’ to the meeting. This is generally seen as talking and surprisingly often best seen as interrupting others.
That’s not my thing. What I found through reading this book was that my approach was a good and necessary part of a successful meeting. We need the talkers and the listeners.
You are a marvelous creation.
Whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or like me, somewhere in between, I want you to know something.
You are a marvelous creation. Embrace it, accept it and grow it.
If you aren’t shining where you are right now, perhaps it is time to move into a different light.
Really needed this reminder.
What I do is recognised by those for whom I do but not others. I can do much more but my circumstances limit my actions. How important is it to do things which develop your visibility