Ikigai Thought for Today: Of Pizza and Possibility
Rolling with disappointment to embrace the moment.
Audio narration by David Marlow

Let’s have pizza!
My two oldest grandkids love pizza. In particular, they like a local place that lets you 'design' your pizza yourself.
You pick the ingredients and how much of everything goes on it.
This is one of their favorite grandma and grandpa things to do.
That doesn’t look good.
It had been a while, so we loaded up the car last night and went for a design-your-own pizza dinner.
My grandson E said, ‘I know exactly what I want on mine. Ooooh, I can almost taste it!”
As we arrived, something wasn’t right. The entire store was dark.
An almost invisibly small handwritten sign said they were closed due to a staffing shortage.
Part of the Adventure
Since my kids were little, we’ve approached events as adventures. Whether it’s vacations, trips, or dinner out, each occasion is viewed as an adventure.
Whatever happens along the way is accepted as part of the adventure.
We’ve shared this same approach with the grandkids. Seconds after the realization there would be no pizza, they began acknowledging in their own way that this was part of the adventure.
We collectively discussed what to do instead and selected another restaurant nearby.
“They have an indoor playground,” said E.
“And waffle fries,” added my granddaughter, C.
And it was settled. I think the waffle fries clinched it for all of us.
In my experience, one of the most significant sources of unhappiness is our inability to accept things as they are.
It’s okay to be disappointed. We certainly wanted pizza. Instead of staying with the disappointment, we embraced the possibilities of something else. We accepted the change as part of the adventure.
The kids loved the playground and the waffle fries. My wife enjoyed one of the best sandwiches she’d had in a long time, and we all enjoyed one another’s company without stress or frustration.
Did I mention the waffle fries?
I really needed this today! Rolling with it, not not being disappointed but opening up for the potential of good things happening...I get better at this from practicing yoga and doing mindfulness exercises. Great post, as always!
How sweet you not only live into the adventures this way, but that you have shared this magical ability with your grandkids. It will save their hearts so many times.🎈