Oceanside, CA David E. Marlow©2022
Things have been tough the past few days. If I allowed myself, I could spiral right down into negative emotional depths.
Instead of struggling, I spend time reflecting.
Here are some questions to power your reflection anytime, especially if you are struggling.
What have I overcome? Now and in the past
What did I learn from those circumstances; from what/whom?
Who has inspired me by what they have overcome?
What have I achieved?
How did I do those things?
Who have I helped?
Who has helped me along the way?
🌱 Chose any or all of these and sit with them. Write out your responses and sit with them.
🌱 You’ll be amazed at the results.
Hence the reason to have trusted people in our lives!
The title caught my eye. It mirrored my feelings right now. And I too, reflect during the toughes moments in my life. I always look back and remember where my son was and where he is right now every time I lose perspective. It is difficult but I feel it is necessary. I am always scared to lose control and go into depression and not be present for my son who needs me. Reflection strengthens me because it shows me part of the plan God has in store for him. Thank you for making me feel like I am not alone! My prayers are with you!