image by Wendi Pillar @wendi322
What’s one thing that, if you started doing it consistently, would have the greatest impact on your life?
Saw this beautiful depiction of the question recently and wanted to share it with you.
I’ll make one small addition. Literally.
What’s one SMALL thing that, if you started doing it consistently, would have the greatest impact on your life?
🌀Start small.
I would say the one small thing and yet SO impactful as a new habit is to focus and apply Altruistic/ Agape (Unconditional Love) actionable activities. The definition of Altruistic that makes most sense is: Regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish; -- opposed to egoistic or selfish. SO having Moments like that each day with the committed and unwavering direction towards others in personal and business life-experiences will set the storm-fire that will change the trajectory of one's life in amazing ways! Best part unlike Ego-driven actions with this Altruistic habit one not only affects oneself but SO many others...not all but those open and flexible to receiving it!
Pax, Lux et Amor! Veritas IHS
Doing one thing at a time