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A Philosopher in Fact
We are all philosophers in the end, or so I’ve been told.
It seems more accurate to me with each passing day.
In my life, I’ve ‘been’ many things. A radio deejay, U.S. Marine, engineer, executive, youth sports coach, son, brother, husband, father, and grandfather.
Philosopher sits well with me as a new thing to ‘be’ while being.
Something I read from Stacy Gleiss, the self-proclaimed ‘Six Foot Bonsai,’ expressed an idea that has stuck with me for years since I first read it.
“I see the world as a tapestry of man-made systems that fall short of the grand design but as a place with tremendous potential if we open our minds to that which we cannot readily see. I am an analyst by title; a philosopher in fact.”
Stacy Gleiss
There is an ideal, a dream, a grand design. Most things and systems made by humans fall short of that intention.
Yet there is beauty and potential in this place humans call home if we are open and willing to see and hear what is not easily seen or heard.
That, of course, sounds more like philospher than an engineer.
Photo by S. Tsuchiya on Unsplash
I love the idea that we are tied back and pruned until we become something wholey unique.