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Questions I get asked…
How will I know if I’m ‘doing’ my Ikigai?
What do I need to understand before I can live my Ikigai?
What if I get my Ikigai wrong?
Rather than answer those directly I’ll invite you to read these thoughts from one of my favorite thinkers, Buckminster Fuller.
The things to do are: the things that need doing: that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done. Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be done - that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you that often gets buried inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of behaviors induced or imposed by others on the individual.
Buckminster Fuller
Now think about those questions again or others that you have about Ikigai.
What does Fuller’s admonition to do the things you see as needed tell you?
How does acting on these things uncover the real you?
How might you apply this idea in your Ikigai journey today?
There is much to ponder there....especially on that well-defined quote which is illuminating to be ones true self and bring the meanings and messages that one's true inner being is trying to convey. For me it is sharing the Good News of business and personal life activities. Through the millennium many have done a far better job than I and yet that is not the is living the Faith and sharing the news of Agape Love so each adventure is a personal and intimate one with whoever we meet for the day. Added bonus is that we are not alone we have others with us in spirit and those that we accumulate in our life and on a similar mission! Thanks for sharing David!
What if we recreated our "character" around the role of that person who sees what no one else sees that needs to be done?
Then, in a short amount of time, it wouldn't be a character at all. We would just be.