Audio narration by David Marlow
🌀Ikigai is experiencing your essence and purpose in harmony with whatever you do.
What does that mean in practical terms?
What does it look like?
How do I get there?
I’ve created the 47 Big Bold Beautiful Benefits Of Ikigai to answer those questions.
Today I launch a series on all 47 beginning with…Sense of Direction
Many individuals struggle with a lack of clarity or focus in life, resulting in challenges when it comes to making crucial decisions. They experience indecisiveness, a sense of being lost, a lack of progress in personal or career development, and a feeling of being trapped.
Understanding your Ikigai provides a clear sense of direction.
Your Ikigai, once clear, becomes core to your essence, your being and doing.
It's a guide, like a North Star and incredible things start to fall into place.
You naturally reframe your focus and energy; doors begin to open that you didn't even know existed.
Leading to…
Applying the lessons of Personal Kaizen here are three small things you can do today to move closer to having that Ikigai sense of direction.
Post a sticky note with a personal goal on your bathroom mirror.
Read one page of an inspirational book daily.
Write one sentence about your dream life.
While these seem small they represent an easily achievable step toward living out your Ikigai.
Try one of them today.
Going Deeper
In addition to the ‘small’ steps, there are some practical ways to help you make decisions and get a sense of where you should be going.
Here is a tool I’ve used for decades to help thousands of people make solid decisions.
It is called a PMI or Plus, Minus, Interesting
Decision-making can be complex, but sometimes the simplest approaches yield the most effective results.
The PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) process is a prime example. In this post, I delve deeper into why the PMI process works and how it sets itself apart from conventional decision-making techniques.
It is a deceptively simple process of separately listing the pluses of a decision, the minuses, and anything interesting.
Listing them separately takes the emotional connection to the items out and opens your mind to uncover valuable insights that go beyond a traditional pros and cons list.
Breaking down decisions into three distinct categories—plus, minus, and interesting—allows you to focus on key factors without getting overwhelmed by emotion, excessive details, or subjective biases.
Balancing Emotional and Rational Factors
Weighing Importance and Relevance
Uncovering Hidden Possibilities
I’ve used this to help people make literal life-and-death decisions!
Give it a try. Today could be the beginning of a new sense of direction for you.
🌱Remember, every day is a fresh start.
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In today's age of overwhelm, distilling simple formulas to help us in our daily lives is challenging. Ikigai is way of being that we can all live by. So true about reading just one page of an inspirational book. Right now I'm reading The Creative Act by Rick Rubin.
It comes to mind with the question does one eat a 74 selection course meal (big buffet) and the answer is one mouthful at a time. As you suggest it is important as in the military to take each mission in the present moment with assignments to do in a way as to best complete it. Funny how you got 47 and curious of the significance but that for later ;) the PMI is a great way to start and being curious is part of the process. What may be added to increase the PM portion is to ask trusted friends once completed to perhaps see if these may be actually true or at least provide some feedback if a critical decision. It is said we make over 30,000 decisions a day...well we must be pretty good after awhile if we are not curious as well and may change some of the decisions that may make us a better person....have the courage! Here's a prayer to consider! The Serenity Prayer is an invocation by the petitioner for wisdom to understand the difference between circumstances that can and cannot be changed, asking courage to take action in the case of the former, and serenity to accept in the case of the latter. Pax, Lux et Amor! Veritas IHS