I love coffee, specifically espresso. I have had a million people tell me I should open a coffee shop because of my love for coffee.
I have a passion for drinking good coffee. Not selling it and not running a store.
Something to think about when pondering the connection of your passion to your purpose.
Distinguish between passions that are best expressed as interests and passions that become careers.
The difference between the professional and the amateur is that the amateur only wants to do the fun stuff. Professionals love all of it, or at least the combined experience of all of it.
In this case, I am an amateur coffee lover.
Living into my Ikigai recently at one of the 50 best coffee shops in the US down by Lake Michigan.
What excites me would be in helping the shop owner discover their purpose and guiding them in linking it to their business.
That is not to say a love of coffee isn't in alignment with my Ikigai, it most certainly can be, and for me, it is. Where and how I express, that passion is what makes the difference.
Some of your passions and interests are 'professional', and some are 'amateur', and EITHER or BOTH can be your Ikigai.
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I think of this ALL THE TIME because I love to do all the things. And every time I do a thing (grow flowers, make candles, crochet a blanket) people tell me I should sell them, make a business out of it. But I wouldn't love them if I charged money. For me, the making is part of me living my Ikigai, and so is strengthening my connections with others through sharing.
Helping others and having great coffee at their shops is a great activity 😎