Thank you for reminding us gently how important it is to choose what we contemplate. While it’s important to care about the incidents happening within politics, if we don’t answer these questions in a daily basis for ourselves, then are we truly living?
“On a day-to-day basis, am I doing the things that matter?” - This is such a powerful question. I know a lot of people who understand what the “right” things are to do. And I know a lot of people who work hard EVERY DAY. I know very few people who know the right things to do AND do them every day. I struggle with this too. “Busy” is such a seductive state. It looks and feels like you are moving forward but often it just generated heat not light (tip of the cap to the engineer who introduced me to that phrase). Great questions to ponder over coffee.
Thank you for reminding us gently how important it is to choose what we contemplate. While it’s important to care about the incidents happening within politics, if we don’t answer these questions in a daily basis for ourselves, then are we truly living?
“On a day-to-day basis, am I doing the things that matter?” - This is such a powerful question. I know a lot of people who understand what the “right” things are to do. And I know a lot of people who work hard EVERY DAY. I know very few people who know the right things to do AND do them every day. I struggle with this too. “Busy” is such a seductive state. It looks and feels like you are moving forward but often it just generated heat not light (tip of the cap to the engineer who introduced me to that phrase). Great questions to ponder over coffee.