Audio narration by David Marlow

A friend struggled recently and asked for some inspiration and prayer.
I’ve often found myself in similar need and received comfort from this by Henri Nouwen, which is both.
"In the midst of the sorrows is consolation, in the midst of the darkness is light, in the midst of despair is hope, in the midst of Babylon is a glimpse of Jerusalem, and in the midst of the army of demons is the consoling angel."
This has been in my thought library for many years. If you need inspiration and encouragement, I hope it speaks to you today. If you don’t need it today, I hope you’ll save this for a time when you do.
And if it did speak to you, share it with someone who needs to hear it.
Thank you. I needed it today. 🙏🏻
See the silver lining in the cloud..always.