Jul 11Liked by David Marlow

I used to run daily. I loved it.

My MD was a 50 mile type runner, and incredibly healthy. Whenever he would say to me “our goal is to get you back to running” I would smile and feel very understood.

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I totally get that Teyani. 🙏🏻

So glad I started back up. For me it is life giving. I hope to keep running. As Murakami said, i hope running and I can grow old together.

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I walk or I play the piano. Walking in nature is the best. At one time, I was practicing Tae Kwon Do, and that was a great release too, but I hurt my hip and couldn’t do it anymore. So, now I get my release in a calmer way.

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That's the beauty of Ikigai right there. Finding those many ways we can expres oursevles and experience life.

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Jul 11Liked by David Marlow

For me that is golf. Many have said that golf is a metaphor for life. It is also to many, similar to running, fairly addictive ("you get the golf bug"). The challenge to get better is never ending. Every round you make mistakes, and you often get lucky and/or unlucky breaks. Also most of us hit at least a couple of very good shots, that keep even the higher handicap folks looking forward to the next round. I enjoy the team competitions the most, but when playing as an individual, genuinely wish well for the other players in my group. In the past I didn't mind playing by myself, but playing with others can be a bonding social time for at least 4 hours. I really love the challenge to get better. There is a quote from a golf pro that goes something like "golf is 80% skill and 100% mental'. That is is so true. What I would really like to obtain is a poor short term memory, so I can quickly "forget" the inevitable poor shots. Golf is also referred to as an "extremely difficult game", and at times "the game you will love to hate". These days, whenever I play I always take 2 pairs of pants (just in case I finally get the ever elusive hole-in-one).

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Here's to golf as another powerful metaphor for life. I often say sports are like life compressed. We test so much of ourselves, our patience, discipline, mental attitude, and more all in a small space of time and events.

Here's also to that elusive hole-in-one my friend. I pray that you get it!

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I never expected to take up running. A trainer I loved working with, who helped me stay fit through the COVID craziness and treatment for breast cancer, left the gym we had both been at and opened a running group. I wanted to keep training with him so I joined. In less than a year I was running 10 km with the group, and loving it. It's great for my mood as well as overall fitness!

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It is amazing the difference it can make. My experience is similar. I hope to keep running the rest of my life. I hope others find something similar for them as well. Be it running or something else.

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Jul 11Liked by David Marlow

Running seems to be a very worthwhile endeavor as walking also is for many. Being in nature during all times of seasons and conditions allows us to be energetic and be strong for life's challenges. Having said that many like me simply do not run and even walk on a normal basis. So how to then fill those needs...well we certainly need some type of physical exercise and also logical (mind exercises) and spiritual as well. I may tend to lean on the other two and work on the physical to a lesser degree. Activities are the key and one must form those that keep us engaged, curious and forward-thinking in the present moments. For me the order is > spiritual, logical and then physical. If I truly believe I will be headed to an eternal home why not journey in that fashion with a logical path towards oneness with the internal spirit we have then sure kept our bodies in line as well. Quest on David!

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This is the way…🙏🏻 Quest well my friend

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RemovedJul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by David Marlow
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Running isn’t for everyone. It serves only as an example. Finding what reenergizes you (as running does for me) is the key. Do you have something you enjoy doing regularly?

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RemovedJul 11Liked by David Marlow
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I hear your frustration. Are you interested in suggestions for improving your conversation connections?

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RemovedJul 14
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Not selling. Asking if you're interested in discussing how you could improve conversations with wife and teens. If you are, I'll be glad to listen and offer suggestions. I have training and experience and am happy to help a fellow quester.

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RemovedJul 15
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