And now I have socks that are INTENTIONALLY mismatched from a company called Sol-Mate. same pattern on each sock but different placements of color. Very fun.
Perhaps I do spend too much time sorting my argyle socks. I could just roll each one and then pick any two. Or...enjoy the meditative moments making matches. Thanks for the memorial of your friend and co-worker.
When I was in high school, back in the day, some kids made fun of one of my friends because he didn’t wear any socks at all. A bunch of us stopped wearing socks in solidarity and then it became a trend. Kids stopped wearing socks!
At our 10-year high school reunion, this man revealed that at the low point in his life, when his older brothers took his socks and he was devastated to go to school without wearing any socks- we were there for him in that crucial time and that made all the difference in his life.
The sequel, TRON Legacy, made 32 years (!) after the original goes a very different way cinematically, but if you want to see the band back together…
(Remember CLU, Jeff Bridges’ alter-ego program driving the tank, looking for the hidden files proving his video games were stolen by David Warner? Yeah, well…)
Oh yes, had to see that one. Amazing how the visual effects in the original were all hand painted versus digital in the sequel. Enjoyed them both. Thanks for reigniting these memories.
There was in fact some CGI in the original, more than Disney could afford at the time I’m sure. But also a lot of conventional animation done in the same style. You may dimly remember in the closing credits, quite a lot of Chinese characters spelling out the names of the Taiwanese animators brought in to help get this ambitious project done.
I also read, years later, that the production hit a major snag partway through: when Kodak dropped off the immense pallets of unexposed film for the movie, no one happened to see the notice attached stipulating that the film rolls were to be used in sequence, in their order of manufacture. The film being made in a continuous process, has subtle variations in it. No one will ever notice these unless you grab one can and used next to a can from further down the line. So what they got was some scenes visibly lighter than others back to back.
The cure was to draw in some new animation depicting energy surges within the computer world where most of the action takes place. A CGI version of a neon strip along the wall would seemingly bring more voltage down the pipeline, accounting for the sudden brightness
I am a bit OCD with my socks. I have a size 12 foot but it's a 10 1/2 width. Some shoes fit better than others so they require different sock thicknesses to fit well.
Sock sorting to me is meditative and an act of self care.
Your friend sounds like he was a hell of a character.
I always lose socks while doing laundry. So, what I do is I keep the single socks to wait until I am missing the next sock. I always find a pair for it. It might be the same kind but different color, or it might be the same, but I always find them. On the other hand, I am not a Marie Kondo with my home, but two things in my life are maniacally organized: my car and my clothes. My clothes are always matched by colors, folded and meticulously organized, including my socks. They are folded in a square and put in the drawer like a mosaic organized by colors. Why do this with only my clothes? I don't know. I'm weird. I'm sorry to hear your friend passed away. He will always be alive through your memories.
My son in law wears mismatched socks on purpose too. It’s one of the things my daughter adores about him, his artist side. For their wedding, he bought each of his groomspeople mismatched socks. It’s was so cute.
And now I have socks that are INTENTIONALLY mismatched from a company called Sol-Mate. same pattern on each sock but different placements of color. Very fun.
Interesting! See a market, make a product. I’ll have to check those out.
Google Solmate socks
Perhaps I do spend too much time sorting my argyle socks. I could just roll each one and then pick any two. Or...enjoy the meditative moments making matches. Thanks for the memorial of your friend and co-worker.
There is often an 'and' in life, and socks. And isn't 'argyle' a fun word to say and ponder?
When I was in high school, back in the day, some kids made fun of one of my friends because he didn’t wear any socks at all. A bunch of us stopped wearing socks in solidarity and then it became a trend. Kids stopped wearing socks!
At our 10-year high school reunion, this man revealed that at the low point in his life, when his older brothers took his socks and he was devastated to go to school without wearing any socks- we were there for him in that crucial time and that made all the difference in his life.
Why would his brothers take his socks? How sad and then such a blessing that people stood by him. What a difference that had to make in his life.
Sorry, I can’t resist dropping this here
Disney’s 1982 TRON, Actuarial program scene:
I had forgotten all about that scene! Loved that movie.
The sequel, TRON Legacy, made 32 years (!) after the original goes a very different way cinematically, but if you want to see the band back together…
(Remember CLU, Jeff Bridges’ alter-ego program driving the tank, looking for the hidden files proving his video games were stolen by David Warner? Yeah, well…)
Oh yes, had to see that one. Amazing how the visual effects in the original were all hand painted versus digital in the sequel. Enjoyed them both. Thanks for reigniting these memories.
There was in fact some CGI in the original, more than Disney could afford at the time I’m sure. But also a lot of conventional animation done in the same style. You may dimly remember in the closing credits, quite a lot of Chinese characters spelling out the names of the Taiwanese animators brought in to help get this ambitious project done.
I also read, years later, that the production hit a major snag partway through: when Kodak dropped off the immense pallets of unexposed film for the movie, no one happened to see the notice attached stipulating that the film rolls were to be used in sequence, in their order of manufacture. The film being made in a continuous process, has subtle variations in it. No one will ever notice these unless you grab one can and used next to a can from further down the line. So what they got was some scenes visibly lighter than others back to back.
The cure was to draw in some new animation depicting energy surges within the computer world where most of the action takes place. A CGI version of a neon strip along the wall would seemingly bring more voltage down the pipeline, accounting for the sudden brightness
Barefootin! And a lovely story to remember one by
It’s your time. Spend it as you see fit.
I am a bit OCD with my socks. I have a size 12 foot but it's a 10 1/2 width. Some shoes fit better than others so they require different sock thicknesses to fit well.
Sock sorting to me is meditative and an act of self care.
Your friend sounds like he was a hell of a character.
He was indeed. 🙏🏻
I always lose socks while doing laundry. So, what I do is I keep the single socks to wait until I am missing the next sock. I always find a pair for it. It might be the same kind but different color, or it might be the same, but I always find them. On the other hand, I am not a Marie Kondo with my home, but two things in my life are maniacally organized: my car and my clothes. My clothes are always matched by colors, folded and meticulously organized, including my socks. They are folded in a square and put in the drawer like a mosaic organized by colors. Why do this with only my clothes? I don't know. I'm weird. I'm sorry to hear your friend passed away. He will always be alive through your memories.
My son in law wears mismatched socks on purpose too. It’s one of the things my daughter adores about him, his artist side. For their wedding, he bought each of his groomspeople mismatched socks. It’s was so cute.