“If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it” - Johan Huizinga

God has allowed each of us a set of talents unique and developed by we alone. The greatest gift is to utilize them not for our own gain but to help continue to build humanity where peace, joy and harmony are not just nice words but states of being to be illuminated before all!

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🙏Love this David! It's like an invitation to surrender to the embrace of creation in each moment...whether it be nurturing a 10-year-old whose under the weather, the privilege of waking up to the beauty of a vibrant fall day, or even the sheer magnitude of all our bodies do "behind the scenes" to support the creative process that courses through our veins. Are things going precisely the way we mapped out in our minds & if not, are we receiving the invitation to dance with abundance that transcends the limitations of our thoughts?

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