I have never been a fan of American football. First of all, football, the real one, is a bigger sport! HA! 🤣

Now, seriously. Even though, I've never been a fan of American football, I can't believe all the things I've learned in my life from it. My previous husband used to be a Super Bowl fan. He would only watch the Super Bowl and would understand it deeply. He taught me about the Lombardi time, and I think he also spoke about the 80/20 rule too. I find it very interesting.

Sorry if I seem dismissive about American Football. Especially after reading your post. I know now, I don't like it because they waste too much time!! 🤣

However, I found the rest of your post much more interesting. The comment of the week was fantastic. I loved it. There's a lot to learn from it. And your final thoughts are a gem. I made a video about that same topic this week for my public speaking group on LinkedIn. It was about only paying attention to the things that feed your life.

Happy Super Bowl!

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Believe it or not, I enjoy (American) football less every year though I still enjoy it a bit. Sports in general is losing my interest though there are many lessons to be learned from watching and playing them.

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I think it has to do with age. However, one thing that has pushed me away from sports is the glorification of the athletes. I used to watch a lot of hockey, and the sport progressively disappointed me when seeing how athletes would turn into divas, and only a few really show love for what they're doing. I think the fact they're paid so much money has made them lose a lot of their passion for the sport.

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It is absolutely the waste of time is the reason for not watching it or any sports. A good walk with Mija is so much more fulfilling. 😂

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We can safely assume sports are not in your 20% enriching activities. 🤣 A good walk is always valuable.

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Wonderful as always David. Thank you.

It's your "Final Thought" that drew my focus most when reading this week's Musings.

"There is a world of noise and disharmony right now screaming for you to pay attention. Don’t do it. Ignore the noise and focus on the vital few things in your life."

This rings so very true to me, now more than ever. And yet, I find it a daily challenge (perhaps at times, a struggle).

I would love to learn more about specific habits, choices, and discipline you've built into your personal life to help you "ignore the noise and focus on the few vital things".

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Thank you, Tom, for the kind words and perhaps most importantly the thought spark on what I need to be sharing.

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Love this musing, as always - I am wondering whether the 80/20 rule is even more "distilled" in your American football example than in other examples? Let me try and explain - it seems to me that almost everything that the best football teams do is within the 20 already, and that the 17 minutes (or 5 sequences) happen because of the rest of the work, and because they are already so focused? And, perhaps there is another layer of insight here, that when you are able to focus on the 20, even better things may happen, once in a while, and that this is close to actual "essence"?

Anyway, this makes me muse, as always, which may be the key point :-)

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"Anyway, this makes me muse, as always, which may be the key point." bruce, you've uncovered my diabolical plot. 😉

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Just over here ignoring as much of the noise and static as possible.

And I ponder why a sitting president is attending a Super Bowl live, and how many people had to give up their seats to accommodate his enormous cluster of secret service people, news people and whomever else is now attending because they are watching him, and not the game.


He is NOT the 20% I choose to pay attention to any longer on this Sunday in February…. So I turn back, look at the small lake I live beside to watch the four or five varieties of ducks who are visiting, imagining they like the crayfish they dive to the bottom for.

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A small lake with five varieties of ducks diving for crayfish sounds like the perfect place to ignore the static and the noise.

No pond though here though I've been watching our white squirrel frolic with his grey brothers and sisters in the oaks on the hill above my house. I also took a nap on the living room floor in the sunshine. 🙏🏻

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Spending the day away from the game and with my parea... Lil brothers b-day 🎂 steak 🥩 dinner

Love how you balance ⚖️ the possibility of the audience. Such a great letter 💌

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Thank you! And happy birthday to your brother! A parea gathering for steak dinner sounds marvelous.

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Having moved across the country a little more than two months ago our parea is all at a distance at the moment, while we are getting to know new friends here. We have good neighbours. We have joined a group of fiddlers. I am sure that a year from now we will have a local parea again! And our distant connections will venture across the country to visit, too!

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I've done that quite a bit in my life though not in many years. Exciting and disconcerting at the same time. A group of fiddlers sounds like a fine parea and the source of at least one good story.

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The Pareto Principle, parea, Precipitation's Progress, and a personal compliment together make for an amazing Musing. Thank you.

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You know I'm a sucker for alliteration. Glad you enjoyed the musing! Thanks for sharing your gift of story with the world.

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Finding the 20% will be powerful both for how you create maximum impact but also on managing your energy.

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Absolutely! That's an important addition to the thinking. Imagine the energy drain of drudgery versus the energy renewal of something you are passionate about.

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