I started something new, embarking on a new life with my beautiful bride on this very day 41 years ago.
We've had many new beginnings and adventures since.
I like to say marrying my wife is my happy ending, though in reality our story was then and is still, just beginning.
Amby Burfoot once said, "Running has taught me, perhaps more than anything else, that there's no reason to fear starting lines... or other new beginnings."
Now that we’ve reached decades of marriage people will often ask us for advice or for our ‘secret.’
Giving advice seems presumptuous. Instead, I like to share stories.
Shocking I know. 😉
I’m reminded of a short documentary about a unique vintner, Manfred Krankl. A fascinating innovator in a business known for doing things the same way.
“Our wines were born of pure passion and a wishful dream – to make something that is so distinctive and so delicious as to make it indispensable to wine lovers the world over.
Clearly a rather lofty, even unrealistic notion, but one we decided to pursue anyway. And so, with the 1994 vintage, we started SINE QUA NON and made a whopping four and a half barrels…
What started as a hobby, more or less on a whim, has become not only our full-time occupation but indeed our life. It is now a part of just about everything we do.”1
🌱 You probably can see already why I like his Ikigai story.
As he took the film crew on a tour, I noticed something painted on one of the walls and I liked it, and as with many things I see or hear, I added it to my thought collection.
Bread for a day, wine for a year, wife for a lifetime.
I am lucky enough to basically live out this life.
I have plenty to eat, and to celebrate, and have been blessed with a wonderful wife for 41 years.
I’m also energized by people like Frankl who explored their interests and passions and ended up creating something truly great.
I hope for each of you, bread for your day, celebrations throughout the year, and a love that lasts a lifetime either in your personal life or in your talents and passions, or if you are lucky, both.
Loving what you do with people you love...impacting the world through living your Ikigai.
When you do, don't be surprised to see the world return that love.
Quote I’m Pondering
When Alicia and I were getting married times were tough.
Inflation was running rampant and mortgage interest rates had soared into the mid-teens. Young couples were struggling to find jobs, buy homes and make a life for themselves.
This quote spoke to me this week and provides a hope I want to convey to those worried about the times we live in today.
“To the younger people who have such fear about the future, I would say that older people have a lot of fear, too, but we know things. Fear is not facts. We have seen life self-correct again and again. Stick around, and against all odds, you will, too.”
Anne lamott
Words of Purpose
This week we learned...
These explorations in the language of purpose this week took us from chaos and confusion to light. From pondering why we are here to understanding we were designed with a purpose. And understanding that purpose in the deepest parts of our being.
The White Squirrel
We have a white squirrel in our neighborhood. It dropped by this week to say hello.
I thought you might enjoy seeing it as well!
Final Thought: My Sacroiliac
Last week I joked about ‘breaking’ my sacroiliac. I'm happy to report I’m on the mend after working with some marvelous doctors and therapists.
As I shared with a friend, my back still hurts but it is regular 62-year-old back pain now. 😉 I can deal with that.
Thank you to the many people who reached out with concern, encouragement, and offers of prayer. They reminded me we are indeed building a welcoming and supportive community here.
Quest well!
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary