Photo by Dušan veverkolog on Unsplash
Much of our life is routine, going through the motions, doing things at home, online, and at work without much forethought.
We follow patterns we've built over many years.
Recently I shaved off my goatee. That’s my granddaughter ‘C’ helping me.
A few years back, for reasons I don’t recall, I thought it would be a good idea to have my grandson ‘E’ help me.
Now that his younger sister is older she wants to help as well so they both assisted me this year.
The goatee comes off this time of year as a nod to Spring, even if the weather doesn't always agree.
Also because I get tired of having to shave so precisely. Without the goatee, I can simply move my razor across my face without even being in front of a mirror.
The downside of this is I can also be somewhat mindless when I shave.
Contrast this with an Ikigai life where things are done consciously and with intention.
A life where you focus on doing things with awareness, fulfilling your values and purpose.
This morning I had every intention of shaving mindfully. Being present in every moment, experiencing my shave.
That was my intention. I didn't even come close to that.
I grabbed my razor from the bathroom and then remembered something I needed to do on the computer. Without realizing it, I had finished my shave while typing something with one hand and shaving with the other.
I have a vision for the kind of person I want to be every day. I'm striving to live from and into that place in my Ikigai. I practice operating with intention, not all the time, though increasingly.
When I live with more intention, my life is more purposeful, consciously lived, and aligned.
Sometimes I transcend, other times, like today, I suck and keep going.
I learnt this some years back David to do the mundane everyday things with some intention . This to keep me focused . The action step given as an example which I do everyday is brush my teeth with my non dominant hand . By doing this I brush my teeth with care and intention.