It is Sunday as I write this, and the first day I’ve been able to sit at my desk for more than a few moments these past couple of weeks.
We are alerted to the things we take for granted when we don’t feel well. Effortless breathing, restful sleep, and the taste of food, for starters.
Also, the love and support of those close to us though for me they have been on display these past few weeks.
Like the many messages of support and encouragement I’ve received from you, my Ikigai Moai1.
The offers of prayers, good vibrations, and extensions of grace were most welcome.
They brought to mind two thoughts that I pondered while not able to do much else besides ponder.
The first I felt most strongly as I received encouragement to take my time and be well.
Never a type A personality, I have often been a type A-. For most such illnesses, I would try to work through and not accept that I needed rest. In the process, I would disintegrate a bit.
I felt the gift of grace to take whatever time I needed. It is hard to express how much that gift meant to me.
I found myself like Anne Lamott when she said…
I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.
The second is an idea from Michio Kaku, who posits…
So first of all, we are nothing but melodies. We are nothing but cosmic music played out on vibrating strings and membranes. Obeying the laws of physics, which is nothing but the laws of harmony of vibrating strings.
What does he mean that we are all melodies, cosmic music?
In my electronics training, I was taught when two radio waves come together; they mix and create two new waves or vibrations. The sum, difference, and two original waves.
It is a bit like connecting with others and sharing our gifts.
Our cosmic music, mixed with the cosmic music of others, creates an entirely new sound while maintaining the originals.
A bit of grace and cosmic music, that’s been where my mind has gone. I’ll throw in a bit of gratitude for all of the above and more.
Thank you all again for your prayers, support, and encouragement.
Quest well.
In Ikigai tradition, the community is called a Moai, a supportive group or family. It is one of the factors credited for the long lives experienced by people in Okinawa.
I've been thinking of you with care and concern David. So happy to see your message today and to hear that you're beginning to feel better.
I resonate with the "cosmic music" idea. The sense that we're all instruments of the universe made to play together. Thank you for that.
Rest well, and glad you're on the mend enough to share these thoughts with us.