Today, I’m again sharing a simple reflection technique, the Two Questions (TQ).
In a TQ, you ponder two questions each day for a week. You then reflect and or journal what comes to you each day.1
For your TQ this week, when things don’t go as you’d hoped, I want you to approach them as something ‘for’ you rather than something happening ‘to’ you.
Spend the next week pondering these two simple questions each day.
1. What am I really looking for in my life?
2. Where are there places or times I already have it?
Reflect on your answers, write them down and internalize the lesson. Then commit to acting on what you learned.
Great personal reflection questions David and one for many are of deep disappointment. That of not being able to depend on some of the people that are suppose to be the most dependable in word but not in deed. In the end the life lesson my be to depend on these that are simply dependable evinced by their deeds...starting with oneself and the other of Divine not of human nature!