The bottom of the month… and being patient for it. Be still my heart.💕 and love to your grandson

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Thank you. He is a special kid and has such a wonderful view of life. I'll pass on your kind words.

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I remember one time in a store and I overheard a mom and her son.

He was really young, maybe 5.

There were Christmas decorations in the store and she commented,

“Geez, Christmas comes so fast”

The kid said, “ really, cause it feels like a year to me?”

He was serious and accurate!

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Love it! I might have to share that story as well.

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For me, patience means shifting my focus from outside to inside.

There are things, circumstances, I wish were different. Patience (for me) is holding on to hope for a better future while behaving well with things as they are now.

Not trying to force things, even if they need to change. You know?

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